shine your way: the sunshine award.

I can’t for the life of me believe I just…disappeared like that! So sorry, didn’t mean to! I got caught up in remaking the blog…then caught up in remaking my about page…and then exams…and then band practice and everything in between!

I apologize. Not my intentions 🙂

Anyway, I’ve been nominated again! Okay, I might’ve been nominated more than a few weeks ago…but I was so incredibly lazy and well, you know the rest: excuses 😉

But let’s get on with it!


Aye, the sun! I’m sure you guys over on the north side are ecstatic about the coming months (summer, yo)! It always confused me why it would be cold here then and you guys will be all, “It’s summer! Yay!” and I’d be like, “I think Africa’s glitching or something…”


So…The Sunshine Award. Not about the sun, but about the people that bring that warm, fuzzy feeling whenever you hear the voice or set eyes on them…whether they be smiling or even sitting on the other side of the room. I love those kinds of people, they’re so fun and bearable to be around…and Lori thinks I’m one of ’em. Ohh…I feel so weird!

Anyway, thanks for the nomination, Lori!

Right, so all awards come with certain questions…let’s see what Lori has for me!


1. Tell us something unique about yourself.

Okie dokie. So, I tend to zone out a lot. I can be sitting and someone will be talking, but then somehow my eyes settle on something and I just sit there…staring…


Worst case scenario was with a complete stranger at the food court. He just got up and left… 😯

2. What is your favorite part of the day, and why?

This is hard…I mean, I love the cool morning air and watching the sunrise and everything…but the sunsets are also extremely mesmerizing–ack, well maybe this will tell you something.



I can’t stick to one, but I love early mornings 🙂

3. Silly or Serious?

Hehe, both! There are times to be silly and times to be serious, so it’s practically impossible to pick only one 😉

4. If you could bring some sunshine to anyone today, who would it be and why?

For a long time I’ve been praying for a best friend or someone my age I could text and talk to a lot to, but today I realized  that instead of searching forever, why don’t I be one? I hope it goes a long way 😀

5. What is your favorite movie?

Lori, are you kidding me? Ha! Well, joke’s on you, I don’t have a favorite movie!

6. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind?

I have a naughty little dog with an unknown breed or species. His name is Tweetie. Or Twittie. I still don’t know.

And no, I wasn’t drunk, just uncreative…

7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you want to live?

Ah, another unfair question. Hmm, let’s see…when I retire, I want to be living in Sweden! It’s so beautiful 😀

8. Who regularly brings sunshine into your life?

There are many who do. One of them would be…sister after me. No, I wouldn’t admit it in front of her (hehe 🙂 ) and I wouldn’t act so unless she’s not around, but yeah, she’s one of them 🙂 Alongside my baby sister…and everyone around me 🙂

9. The beach or the mountains?

What?? Are you seriously making me choose?? Well, the mountains!

…And the beach.

10. Has your blog turned out to be how you expected when you first started it? Why or why not?

Hehe…not really. My imagination speaks louder than reality. I expected it to be BOOM! POW! AWESOME! Guess that’s how everyone thinks at first 🙂 But…it’ll work out, hopefully it will 🙂 And I hope to learn a lot 🙂

Well, that’s it! I hate hard questions, Loriiii 😦 But, ha! I shall return the favor 🙂



Creating Beauty in the Kitchen

Everything Lovely

Steph and Penny

✏ Food Gurly


Girl and the Dragon

Miss Chriss Creations

On the streets of Desire


1. If you could have a part of the day frozen for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?

2. What does your style say about you?

3. Flats or heels?

4. Would you rather be the nose or the ears? Why?

5. How old were you when you started using the internet?

6. Have you ever wanted to be someone else when you were young? Explain.

7. If you were to be stranded on the desert and had only one type of dessert, what would it be?

8. What’s your ideal weekend?

9. What do you like most about fruits?

10. What do you hope to accomplish through your blog?

9 thoughts on “shine your way: the sunshine award.

  1. Congrats JoJo! LOL about the stranger in the food court! So, do you not have a favorite movie because you love ALL movies, or because you hate ALL movies? 😉 And thanks for the nomination! 😉

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